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`; } else { if (key === 'url') { result += `
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} else { for (let key in currentObj) { let newPath = currentPath + "." + key; recurse(currentObj[key], newPath); }; }; }; recurse(obj, ""); return result; }; function capitalizeFirstLetter(string) { return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1); }; $(document).on('change', '.finder-family', function() { table.draw(); }); $(document).on('change', '.finder-parameter-checkbox', function() { table.draw(); }); function displayObjectAsTable(obj) { const table = document.createElement('table'); const tableBody = document.createElement('tbody'); table.appendChild(tableBody); for (let key in obj) { const row = document.createElement('tr'); const nameCell = document.createElement('td'); const valueCell = document.createElement('td'); = 'top'; = '3px'; nameCell.textContent = key; if (key === 'name') { nameCell.textContent = 'Name'; nameCell.classList.add('name-cell-main'); nameCell.classList.add('name-cell-box'); } else if (key === 'values') { nameCell.textContent = 'Value(s)'; nameCell.classList.add('value-cell-main'); 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